Friday, April 30, 2010

APRIL showers bring MAY flowers...

Okay, so here it is, the last day of April. We have been out on the boat 4 times this month and are going to start the month of May off with a boat trip, too! Hannah left this morning for Disney World, Claire is singing at the Kiwanis Club for a luncheon today and I am working hard ... ha! ha! Seriously, I am cleaning up lots of loose ends as it looks like the Joint Commission for Hospital Accreditation will be here Monday for a 4 day survey of our campus.

We are good. We lost a chicken to a fight last week - sad how they turn on each other - so we are down to 8 hens and Heuvo, our rooster. The dogs are good, the pool is up and running and Don has taken on another "partner", Ted Trotter. He is our deacon at church and recently lost his job as a dairy farm manager when the owner of the farm lost it to bad business practices. He is a great guy, sweet family and a hard worker. Don is excited as it may allow him to back off a little on some of the harder aspects of work.

My parents are coming for a 10 day visit on May 15th, we will be going to Georgia Southern on the 19th for Claire's presentation, she is getting a Proclamation from the School Board on the 11th and goes to the FUN STATION with chorus on the 7th. She is having a pool party the 15th, turns 13 on the 23rd and will be having her Dance Recital on that same day - WHEW! Hannah will be taking her first AP Class in the fall - Language and Composition - and was invited to participate in the AA Program thru Thomas University but declined. We think it is a better path to take the AP route, save her HOPE money and look just as impressive to colleges when her time to apply comes around.

May is just around the corner - tomorrow actually - and we haven't slowed down a beat! Keeps life interesting :)

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