Monday, February 23, 2009


Claire placed 2nd in her category at the ABAC Regional Science Fair - we are very proud! Hannah had a wonderful weekend at DHB and Claire at Choir Festival. I think things are quieting down for a bit - at least nothing going this weekend!

'Bye 'Bye!

It is official, except for the "negotiating" of my contract, I am OUTTA here!!! I was offered the HIMS Administrator position at SWSH and will be giving notice at KWB as soon as the details of my salary/compensation package are worked out! What an answer to prayer. What a weight lifted from my shoulders. What an exciting opportunity that awaits me. I cannot wait to get started on this 2nd phase of my career path. It will mean going back to school to obtain my RHIA degree and learning all sorts of new people and procedures but I am VERY excited! God has laid this wonderful new start at my door and I am anxious to step through and begin. AMEN!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm outta here ... maybe?

Last Tuesday, Feb. 10th, I had an interview for the HIMS position at SWSH. I felt pretty good about it and was told I would hear something back, either way, within 1 week to 10 days. Yesterday, I got a phone call/email requesting that I meet with the Clinical Director at SWSH, Dr. LeRoy!! I will meet with him on Friday at 9:30! YIPPEE!! Life may be changing soon :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mountain Retreat

We spent 4 GLORIOUS days in the mountains this past Friday thru Monday! And, even though we had a busted toilet tank (frozen), broken water pipe to the bathroom sink (frozen) and frozen kitchen sink drain (did I mention "frozen"?), Don easily repaired them all and even managed to put up insulation (warm!) before Saturday night and we had a great time! We went to Helen-back (inside family joke) and got some much needed grits from the Nora Mill Granary and some much desired fudge (yum!) from the Hansel & Gretel Candy Shop. Then, on Sunday, Don got all the wiring and water done to hook up the range and washer & dryer on our next visit. That means stove-top cooking (no more boiling water in the microwave or cooking grits in it, either) and no more hauling dirty clothes back to Thomasville after a long weekend! Yippee - am I weird to be happy that I can actually do laundry at our "get away"? Probably :)

I don't think I have slept as much in the past month total as we slept over this weekend! De-lightful! We have no TV so we play games until about 8pm and then, GO TO BED!!! It stays darker longer in the mornings so we weren't waking up until after 7am most mornings. 11 hours of sleep - it almost felt decadent!!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Okay, so Puxatawney Phil and Gen'l. Beau Lee do not agree on the timeliness of Spring! This is why I live in the South where groundhogs have the good sense NOT to see their own shadows and predict the stalling of the coming of Spring! Thank goodness Spring will be here soon - hey, the General has only been wrong something like 7% of the time he's been predicting the arrival. I'd say that's better odds than most weathermen with college degrees in meteorology!

We had a busy weekend. Why is that? I want to just sleep all day Saturday, get up and go to church and Sunday school on Sunday morning and then, go back to sleep for the rest of the day Sunday but I have never yet gotten to do this. Why do you suppose that is? Oh, let's see. My kids are BUSY and cannot yet drive so, they insist that I drive them the 12 miles into town for whatever activity they have going. Really, they couldn't walk? It would be great exercise. Then, once I am up I no longer feel guiltless to sleep all day and I start doing laundry and yard work and house cleaning. And as for Sunday, I am too wide awake and alert after 2 hours at church to climb back into bed immediately upon my return home but, I do sometimes manage to catch an afternoon nap, unless Hannah has Youth Choir or Claire decides she forgot a report or project and needs: poster board, markers, Valentine Day cards, apple juice or something else or we get invited to be sociable and go over to a friend's house for a birthday party. Then I really feel too guilty to take a nap. Don't get me wrong. Once I am up and moving, I am very glad for all that I get done but, one of these days... zzzzzz for an entire weekend!